Looking for ways to help TMWF?
There are many ways to do so!
Give While You Shop
Kroger: donate to our cause while shopping at Kroger. Charity #90370. Learn more at www.kroger.com/communityrewards
Tom Thumb: link your Club Card with our charity #12688. Visit www.tomthumb.com/yourstore/good-neighbor.html
Your Favorite Restaurant: ask your favorite restaurant to designate a day and percentage of their proceeds to TMWF.
Amazon Smile: Amazon donates 0.05% of all your eligible purchases to our organization. Visit smile.amazon.com to shop using your existing account, select TMWF, and each time you log in through AmazonSmile a small portion of your purchases will be donated to us
Via our Website: donate through our website by clicking the “Donate Now” button on the top of our page
Donate items for our clients. Take a look at our wishlists to see what they need, and either purchase online or buy the corresponding items to drop off. Once you have the items, call our office to bring by the items at 469.467.6241
Amazon Wishlist:
16 TILKÖRT comforters (article no. 402.718.72)
Visit tmwf.org/volunteer to fill out the volunteer application and email it to tmwf@tmwf.org
Thank you for being a #PeaceChampion!