Food for Good

Food for Good

The collective power of Texas Muslim Women's Foundation and Food for Good, two purpose driven and pioneering organizations, creates a Catalyst for Change that makes a greater impact in the lives of more women and better serves our communities.

Food for Good helps women find food service job opportunities by sharing their storytelling of food and culture. It is comprised of a social impact educational culinary workforce training program and a for-profit social enterprise catering business.

Food for Good Company

B4 Food for good

Food for Good offers women the opportunity to become economically empowered by cooking for a living.

  • Micro food entrepreneurs
  • Dignified living wages
  • Job creation in communities

Stay connected and visit the website to learn more about our work and ways to support.

Culinary Workforce Training Program

B4 training

The apprenticeship program provides economic empowerment to domestic violence survivors, refugees, immigrants and other underserved populations.

The women are mentored by professional chefs, restaurants, caterers and culinary consultants. The  community cooks acquire food handler permit and food manager license certifications for job opportunities in the food service industry.

The professional skills they gain from the program offers them a path forward to bigger and better opportunities. You can help empower these women on their journey to financial independence. Donate Here

Catering for a Cause

B4 catering

Food is a universal language and Breaking Bread creates an opportunity to Break Borders. Catering provides the women with a unique opportunity for personal growth and to learn the business.

The Food for Good community cooks themselves attend the catering events, creating an immersive unique culinary experience where diners can learn and connect while they eat.

Over the years, business has grown and expanded to meet the needs of the women and the community. It also offers Consumer Packaged Goods and Boxed Handmade Cookies.

Let these amazing and inspiring women cater your next event! Learn More

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